Dear Players,
Old Metin2 is now looking to reward your effort as a streamer of this game, in exchange for your work you can get some Dragon Coins as presented below, for live streams same requirements are valid, if you need more informations please contact us.
- 250-300 views & 20+ likes > 50 DR /video
- 400-1k+ views & 30+ likes > 100 DR /video
- 2k+ views & 40+ likes > 300 DR /video
- 3k+ views & 80+ likes > from 500 DR or € /video
Also you can contact @Okami by joining the Discord at

For live streaming we can cover the price of the stream charged in DR, more infos at Okami/staff.
*For TikTok or other platform that is not youtube we consider the rewards in half or custom rewards based on few criteria like, interactions, likes, views, contact Okami at that time for more informations.
*Only one payment/video is possible.
*We consider only the videos that reach a certain amount of views/likes in 24 hours, for example if in 24h your video reach the 200 DR plan, then 200 DR plan will be paid.