Winter Event | Lovers Event (14th February - Valentines)

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Winter Event | Lovers Event (14th February - Valentines)

Post by BuLaN »

Dear players,

This year we're gonna try a different approach for the Valentines Day (14th February) by combining the Lovers Event with Winter Event in two parts as explained below.

Lovers event
From 08/02 to 16/02

Winter event
From 08/02, unlike Lovers event, Winter event continues for about a month after the Lovers event is over

All mobs will drop Snowflake as alternative drop, no matter what level or map, the only condition is to make sure the level between you and the mobs won't exceed +/- 15 levels.

First part of the event
Between 08/02 and 16/02 you can obtain exclusive items from Niuniek's Statue in the city of your village (map1). This items are related to the special week of Valentines.
Niunek's Statue looks like a Ninja and it's located near the spawn points when you login for the first time.
  • Amulet of eternal Love - offers +30% exp, +10% attack speed, +10% casting speed, +10% strenght aganist monsters, +5% max HP and SP and it's time is 7 days, the time runs even if you are online or not, you can only obtain this item during the Lover event
    Requires a few crafting items, the prob rate is 100%
  • Lovers Letter - once you open this letter you can obtain different items, depends of your luck, you can only obtain this item during the Lover event
    Requires crafting item, the prob rate is 100%
  • Lovers Potion - gives +15% strenght aganist monsters and 2.000 HP for 2 hours wear time, you can only obtain this item during the Lover event
    Requires a few crafting items, the prob rate is 100%
  • ... plus other items
    Requires a few crafting items (and yang), the prob rate is 100%
Higher drop, yang and xp rates on Valentines, with bonuses of up to 50%.
You can obtain from item shop, for a very limited period of time, the Amulet of eternal Love (7 days - times expire even if you are online or not and Lovers Potion (2h - wear time).
Happy Hour on 14th February, obtain 100% coins bonus!
Note Crafting materials, items drop, quanity and yang values required for crafting can be changed to balance the rewards.

Second part of the event
Winter event continue after 16/02 for about a month, you'll be able to craft different items and a special Winter Chest - drop different items.
Niuniek's Statue takes care of the crafting for the Winter event, you can find this statue in the city of your village (map1).
More informations on the second part will be published soon in this theard's reply section, if you have suggestions for items you want to see during this crafting event, please let us know.

If you have questions or need support, please contact a GM for clarifications.
If you are not able to see this items in the game, make sure to patch your client using Autopatcher.exe

That's all for now!

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Re: Winter Event | Lovers Event (14th February - Valentines)

Post by BuLaN »

Dear players,
Following the start of Valentines event (known as Lovers event) a few changes will be made soon, to make it more fair
  • Removed the 💰 Yang requirement for all items in the event (exception for Blacksmith Handbook)
  • Talking about Blacksmith Handbook, it's material were changed to 20 Blessing Scroll + 20kk in order to craft this item
  • 🪬 Amulet of Eternal Love - material Diamond replaced by x5 Lilac (Diamond is too expensive on market)
  • 💝 Lovers Potion - Apline Rose is too expensive on the market and it was replaced by x100 Tue Fungus, also requires now 50 ❄️ Snowflakes
  • Enchant Item - requires now 15 ❄️ Snowflakes & 2 Reinforce Item
  • Added 🍯 Sun/Moon Elixir (L) in the Lovers Letter drop
  • Crafting chance for all items in the event is 100%
You can express your emotions on forum with reactions to theards and comments, you need to register on forum in order to use reactions.

This changes will apply after next server maintenance (later today or tomorrow morning)

I'm very friendly, but ToS and Rules are for everyone.
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