2.0 OldMetin2

- 1. Introduction
Reaching this point, I feel like I must step in and maybe give you an idea on what to do next on the server. First, let me tell you that from a player's first perspective, the server it's very attractive for hardcore players in special. Even though we love the basic old-school metin2, we must think of some modifications to adapt to the new world's requests. The next suggestions are tougth very carefully to not deviate too much from the old-school element of the server. Most of them are made enough to make both parties enjoy the gameplay (new and old players).
Why do I make this suggestion? (a quick introduction of me)
Those that do not know me, I'm a former player from the official romanian server, where I started playing since 2006 and gained a lot of perspectives and experiences and I can maybe use that and share my ideas with you. Also had multiple suggestions and influenced the official game a lot. Gained a few gameforce first-records that were registered and recorded, also, so I'm not writing nonsense in here, I know the game.appLywwappLyww2. Perspective and point of viewAcross this post, we will refer to a normal player's point of view and his experience from start to finish. Any suggestions you have, I would appreciate to leave them in a private message so I can add them in here at the bottom of the post, in the "suggestion from players" section and you will have you nametag in there along with a reply from me. Have fun in reading this, make sure you read it with an open mind.
PS: I will not argue with what I will write in here because it's something very big and it will be shared for votes in a topic on discord. Before this suggestion gets a conclusion, we should gather all of us that are still here and discuss each point and make a detailed documentation on how to proceed in brining the server a 2.0 version and also bring it back to life.appLywwappLywwappLywwappLyww3. Suggestion # 1 - Video Graphics & TexturesappLywwa. TEXTURES & COLORSI think most of the players agree with the fact that we need to have the classic texture, the smooth one and not this one that is pixelate. From a big session of playing on the server, the usual player's eyes start to hurt because of the texture's color accent. Let's bring the server a little bit forward in time and change the textures to how they should be.appLywwb. REALISTIC TIME CYCLE BASED ON PLAYER'S REGIONOn the old metin2, a GM had to make night or day on the server. But, let's have something done automatically in relation to the player's region. Each country has a time-zone and make day/night on a specific hour. Remove any new options like: making day/night, snowing or snow texture, it's not a critical thing but it's a part of the old classic.appLywwc. OPTION TO REMOVE FLAGSBecause it's something newly added, we should let the players to chose either they want the flag displayed or not. This should be client side only. If the player x disables the flags and player y still has it enabled, player y it's able to see the flags but x doesn't.appLywwd. INCREASE DRAW DISTANCEThe draw distance that we currently use on the server is very low and it's not the same like it was back in the days. This should be increased a little bit to see a couple of meters more.appLywwe. BRING BACK THE OLD LOADING CLIENT, LOGIN BACKGROUND & LOADING SCREENSWe all know how client looked like when patching and starting the game. If we are dealing with something regarding copyright, nobody it's going to claim the old textures, they are not used anymore as far as I know and if perhaps it will be a problem in the future, we can change the requested claim but there are low chances that someone will claim the textures or something, if they would do that, they would claim the whole game so it's impossible.
We have the same website/forum that was years ago and that matters a lot for a new player that registers or visits the site.appLywwappLyww4. Suggestion # 2 - ShopThe shop is the most advanced shop I've seen on a classic-like server. And in our case, it's the most advanced system on the server. Why do we need so many things? Good question, WE DON'T.
How I suggest that things should be done:- Buy the shop for 500 Yang from the General Store. When you click it you will be teleported to a new map and after you click it again in that map, it should pop-up a dialog asking which shop would you like to open: online or offline. Choosing an online shop, you will transform into a shop and no additional money will be taken from you. Choosing an offline shop, you will open another pop-up that will ask you how much time would you like to keep your offline shop active. You will have to chose between: 12 hours (80,000 Yang); 1 day (130,000 yang); 2 days (300,000 yang); 5 days (600,000 yang); 7 days (1,500,000 yang) Maximum slots available should be 45 for both type of shops.
- In order to have it more easily accessible for all the players on the server, create a new map only for shops. You can teleport to this map either from the general store or by pressing the "manunchi" (I don't know how it's called in eng) when you want to create the shop and it will give you a countdown in the chat (You will be teleported to the shop map in 5,4,3,2,1 seconds). Being in this special map, you will have an icon near the radar or in the bottom bar that will allow you to go back to map1.
- The teleportation to the shop map can only be done from map1.
- The search system should be something that you can access only from being in the shop-map. Near the "go back to map1" icon button, it should be another button with "search in shop". After clicking it, it will pop up a dialog that will allow you to chose the language or detect the language automatically and then search by typing a small part of the entire item's name. Thing is, the search in shop function should be something very easily done by players and shouldn't be done only in english since some players don't really know the language or the item's name in english.
appLywwappLyww5. Suggestion # 3 - MissionsI know right now that the missions are a terrible time-wasting. I will list all the missions that should be on the server with the corrected prizes that should help players more in their journey:
Legend: S - small | M - medium | B - big | Tb - trade-banned
auto - The task will be given automatically
manual - The task will be taken by the player's own decision in case he discovers this.- Level 1: "Welcome to OldMetin2" [auto]
1,000 Yang + Lv.0 Sword+4 + 50xRed Potion(S) + 5xPurple Potion(M)(Tb)- You just connected to our server, enjoy your journey.
- Level 1: "Look for the experienced soldier" [manual]
10% strong against Animals bonus for 30 minutes- You will have to search for a Teacher he will have something to tell you. He will explain that the player can come to him at level 5 and chose a set of skills.
- Level 1: "Go on patrol" [manual]
135 EXP- You will have to reach 5 random points on the map
- Level 2: "Letter from the City Guard" [auto]
250 EXP + 30,000 Yang + 25xRed Potion(S) + 5x Green Potion(M)(Tb)- Go to City Guard, he will give the players a task to kill 9xWild Dog and then he has to come back to receive his prize.
- Level 3: "News from the City Guard" [auto]
450 EXP + 40,000 Yang + 50xBlue Potion(S) + Lv.0 Shield+4- Go to City Guard, he will give the players a task to go to the General store that will request to deliver the book "armour Manufacturing Techniques to the Armour Shop Dealer"
- Level 4: "The investigation of the biologist (Peach Blossom)" [auto]
500 EXP + 30,000 Yang + 25xBlue Potion(S) + Lv.0 2-hand weapon+4- Go to Biologist Chaegirab and kill Hungry Alpha Wolf until you get 5 peach Blossom and return to him to deliver them.
- Level 4: "A new fragrance" [manual]
1,000 EXP + 10,000 Yang + 10xDragon Coins- Why not brining back one of the most hated missions. In this task, the player will have a task at the General Store that will ask him to go to the Weapon Shop Dealer and he will give you a tasks to kill Blue Wolf until you have 2 Lilacs. You bring back the Lilacs to the Weapon Shop Dealer and after that you will receive 10 Dragon Coins in your account and then, he will ask you to buy a Musk Oil from the item shop. This item will cost 2 Dragon Coins so the player will have 8 DC remaining in his account. After delivering the Musk oil to the Weapon Shop Dealer, he will ask you to go back to the General Store to receive your prize. This mission helps the new player understand the item-shop and he informs him/her that some items can be bought will real money.
- Level 5: "A new fragrance" [auto]
4 Skillpoints- Select your specialization and therefore your future Skills.
- Level 6: "The Blacksmith's mission" [auto]
1,300 EXP + 20,000 Yang + 2xWolf Fur+- The player will have to go to City Guard and then to Blacksmith and he will want a Pig Nose that can be taken from Storekeeper. Here, the Storekeeper will present the Store and will inform the player that there is a method to have more space, to have a store.
- Level 6: "Get an Empty Bottle" [manual]
1,500 EXP + 20,000 Yang + 25xRed Potion(S) + 25xBlue Potion(S)- The player has to see the General Store and will take this quest manually and you have to go to Yonah and he will give you a quest to kill Wild Boar until you get Peach Seed. You deliver the peach seed and you will receive an empy bottle from Yonah and you can bring it to the General Store.
- Level 7: "Another favour" [auto]
35,000 Yang + 10xDead Grass Carp (So the player has to find out and grill this dead grass carp using a fire from the fisherman) + 10xDead Carp- You have to go to the blacksmith and you have to hand over a fishing rod to the Fisherman and the Fisherman will give you a Delivery Note that you have to give it to the Blacksmith in order to receive your prize.
- Level 7: "The investigation of the biologist (Bellflower)" [auto]
2,000 EXP + 40,000 Yang + Lv.1 Armour+4 + 10% strong against Animals bonus for 30 minutes- You have to go to the Biologist and kill Hungry Alpha Blue Wolf to get Bellflowers. You must deliver 5 to the Biologist.
- Level 7: "The dinner" [manual]
1,000 EXP + 30,000 Yang + Lv.0 Helmet+4.- You have to go to the General Store and then ask Armour Shop Dealer what he wants for dinner and then go back to the general store to give an answer.
- Level 7: "The daughter's wedding" [manual from Octavio]
4,000 EXP + 50,000 Yang + Lv.5 weapon+5 + 2x Critical Strike (Tb)- You have to go to Octavio, then Old lady and she will give you the task to kill Hungry Alpha wolf to collect Blood Red Flower, Hungry Blue Wold to collect Orange Flower, Hungry Alpha Blue Wold for Fragrant Yellow. Then the old Lady will make a Gorgeous bouquet and you will deliver it to Octavio.
- And so on.... The point of increasing the prizes for the missions will make the player to spend more time on the server and it will be rewarded for the time spent. The prizes should be increased in Yang, more items added and items that are necessary for the starters. I can keep listing all the missions in the game and give you an idea but I don't have the time to list all of them but of course WE can assist when creating them.
appLywwappLyww6. Suggestion # 4 - Item-ShopThe Point of the Item-Shop is to help sustain the server's maintenance and lifespan. The players will donate a lot if they have something to donate for. This is a revamp of the item-shop:- Implement a level 1 - 25MD Lucky Roulette System that will give you blue/red/purple/green potions, green switchers/adders, capes, magic metal, blessing scrolls, dragon scrolls, etc. (for low level players)
And a level 2 - 50MD Lucky Roulette System that will give you normal adders, switchers, exo, concentrate, more blessing scrolls, marbles, flowers for potions, etc... (for medium level players)
A level 3 - 120MD Lucky Roulette that will give you pets, site-bonuses, more adders/switchers, spirit stones, etc... (for medium-high level players)
Also, let's add more items in the item shop (different kind of pets), the items that can help players, big potions, critical/penetration, and more items that can help the players. If decided to revamp the item-shop, I can list some items that were available on the item shop back in the days. And also, if it's decided, we can gather more players and discuss on what to add, this should be a teamwork not only a staff decision. But let's keep in mind that we still need a hardcore server, not an easy pay to win server.
Also, economy pack should be available only on special occasions, not all the time.
And the +50% DC and +25% also should be on special occasions, not everytime since we are going to put more items and change their prices. Less prizes, more small donations. More small donations > few big donations
appLywwappLyww7. Suggestion # 5 - EventsWe should be able to click a button from the game's bar or the minmap to see the events in a month. The events should be considered to be on a daily basis every 2 weeks so we will have 2 weeks of events in a month. One week of events, one week not OR we can have the events combined. For example, when we have fishing event, we will not have mining event, and so on. I thought of these events:- Mining event - bring 100 ore instead of 200 and have more ore spawns in map1. Or bring like 1000 ores and sell them for a good amount of yang.
- Fishing event - bring 3 small fishes for a chest or complete particular tasks: 25xsmall fishes = green switcher; 30xsmall fishes = green adder; 50xsmall fishes = 20xpurple potions; 100x Small fishes = big amount of Yang; and more that can be think of...
- 30% rates
- Bosses Spawns - We will have on different maps, different bosses of different levels. It will spawn more bosses and in a shorter period of time. The time should be shortened and maybe each low level boss should have 5minute wait time and high level 10-15 minutes and the number of bosses should be multiplied by 5-6.
- Fugitive pirates - If you can catch them, they will drop a huge load of yang on the ground.
- Moonlights
- Blessing chests
- 3 rounds of OX at night (the ox should be very late like it was on the official, not all players should join, only those who really want to. From question 0 to 6, give ox chests to players, from round 7 to 10 give ox chests + items like important upgrades, from question 10 to 15 give ox chests + important items like blessing scrolls.
Week 1:- Monday - Mining event (at night)
- Tuesday -
- Wednesday - 30% rates (all day)
- Thursday -
- Friday - Bosses Spawns (2 hours at night)
- Saturday -
- Sunday - Blessing Chests (all day)
Week 2:- Monday - Fishing Event (at night)
- Tuesday -
- Wednesday - 30% rates (all day)
- Thursday -
- Friday - Pirates (2 hours at night)
- Saturday -
- Sunday - Moonlights (all day)
Week 3:- Monday - Fishing Event (at night)
- Tuesday -
- Wednesday - 30% rates (all day)
- Thursday -
- Friday - Pirates (2 hours at night)
- Saturday -
- Sunday - Moonlights + Blessings (3 hours)
Week 4:- Monday - Fishing event
- Tuesday -
- Wednesday - 30% rates (all day)
- Thursday -
- Friday - Bosses (2 hours at night)
- Saturday -
- Sunday - 30% rates in the morning (3 hours) Ox event with 3 rounds at night
Also, once a year, we should have a Do-Jang and see who is worthy enough to win the server's King armour. I can give you more details about this event on how it was back in the days but it's a good idea to have it once a year.
appLywwappLyww8. Suggestion # 6 - PromotionInvest 50% of money received to promote (paid ads on tiktok/different sites/google ads/facebook ads/make an instagram page and promote there aswell/encourage youtubers and tiktokers to promote their invite-code and give them DC. If you implement a roulette you can give DC to tiktokers to play the roulette and do giveaways with the items. Do not overpay tiktokers/youtubers that will not play on the server, paying a tiktoker that advertises 100 metin2 servers is = to 0 in my oppinon. Convince them to play on the server and show the playerbase that this server will have a good longevity and will not be just like any other servers. Bring back the official and DO A GOD DAMN TRAILER. We have so many players that are active and enough to make a trailer. Pay an experience youtuber that know how to edit and write a script for a good trailer. Be creative, launch tasks on tiktok, promote your work on instagram. Have like a "moment of the month" on the server. At the end of the year, have like a resolution, a hall of fame for the players. For example : The best player, the best bug finder, the best fisher, the best miner, the best content creator, the best GM, the best helper, the friendliest player, the most toxic player, the best item upgrader and so on... and people can vote on the forum at the end of the year. The players that win, will be rewarded in DC.appLywwappLyww9. Suggestion # 7 - Create new staff rolesCreate a good administrative tree, implement Head of Events, Event Helper, Head of media, Media, Tester, Helper, Discord Moderators and those that are inactive, should receive a total of 3 warnings, 3 warning accumulated and they are kicked out of staff without the permission to apply again. Have more roles in the staff but do not give them administrative permissions. We have the forum, right? use it, do some special groups for each staff role and have sections on the forum that are special only for you where you can have discussions and vote for new things. You need to develop a good staff behind your back to have a good success, you can't do it alone BuLaN, you need the help from people first and then you can make a good staff based on their actions and then you can open some applications and have new members but for now, chose some that you think are worthy and use them to help you visualize the future of the server.appLywwappLyww10. Suggestion # 8 - Fix drop for the metin stonesIn case the server will reach a very big number of players, increase the number of metins in the maps, but until then, leave them like this but fix the drop. There were many times when I was the same level as the metin stone and I didn't get anything from it, and it didn't happened once, it happened 3 times in a row. So the drop should be fixed, no discussion here. I think it's impossible to have a proper farming session when all the players that want something, need to buy 200% drop from the itemshop. Not even then, I farmed with 200% a lot of the time and sometimes I dropped a lot of shit from the mobs but the metin stone gave me nothing, and I farmed like 13 hours in a day and I only gained 9 bless 2 exos 2 adders and some auras... it's kind of annoying to the new players when they see the drop that they don't getI'm used to it because I'm a more hard hardcore player but I don't usually get a lot of time to do this like I used to, and I think hardcore players are a little bit aged aswell, and the new players are more young and have a lot of time but don't have the patience to farm this much, even tho' it's a hardcore classical server, we must edit it a little bit to have it accessible for the newbies aswell
appLywwappLyww11. Wrap-upMaybe some of these suggestions are not in particular very good detailed, some of them might have a greater purpose, some of them might not have, but the main idea it's this, all the points need improvement and a big revamp. It's a couple of months of hard work in here but yeah, these should be discussed along with more people at the same time and should be a team-effort to make it right. This is made across a week of thinking on what we should revamp but it's possible that I didn't catch all of the details but we can maybe have a talk together and make some decisions with good arguments.