My items from Safebox (Deposit) are missing!?

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My items from Safebox (Deposit) are missing!?

Post by BuLaN »

Dear all,
Some of you didn't know about this and ask the team ''Where are my Safebox items!?'', the answer is very simple, them are still there!

This is usually happening if you had buff from item shop, the one that gives you more rooms in safebox, after the safebox buff expires you are able to view only items from page I, the pages II and III can be viewed only if you purchase again more spage from item shop, no worries, your items are still there!
Don't forget to relogin after you purchase again, otherwise you won't be able to see your items.
Attention: The Storage Chest (buff in this case from item shop) is automatically activated on the next login, therefore it can't be found in the Item-Shop Storage.
After it's expiration items will remain in the extra space, but will be inaccessible until you purchase another storage chest.
For any other questions please contact the team.

OM2 Team.
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